What is Self Care…

What is self care for me? Well for starters, it’s a time of peace and quiet when I reflect and definitely restore. Usually during this time, I enjoy beautifying herbal teas (or coffee, oooo so naughty… but because it makes me HAPPY) or just plain water – which I love..

Light some incense. Tunage or at least some shameless singing to myself is a must. Perhaps I am romancing myself, but with MYSELF, I can pull my hair back and wear unsexy pajamas.

After the mood is set, I get to my favorite part… my nightly facial routine. I never wear makeup, but I do so love to wash my face. Always with something natural… lately I have been using this locally made oatmeal soap bar, which I’ll use until it’s gone and try something new but similar…

Then I spritz my face all over with rose water. Ahhh… This moment. It’s when I find myself breathing out all the stress and in with all the good feelings in. Positive affirmations. Prayer. The natural and delicate scent is an instant chemical response. Right now I am enjoying rose water by Badger… it’s just so fragrant and has aloe in it.

I follow up with my favorite serums and oils. I often use frankincense and rose hip oil, but I’ve recently been enjoying Rosehip Treatment by Evanhealy, which is heavenly and comes in the cutest little vile. I finish with my handmade mango butter moisturizer, and one last spritz of rose water ’cause why not?

Then, unless the baby has already woken, I sit with the fam as they watch the simpsons or Naked and Afraid (or whatever) and enjoy a little mindless painting time. Nothing serious, nothing for sell… just to keep the skills up. I also often take this time to create my work schedule, make notes and research painting subjects.

Do you have a favorite self care routine you’d like to share with me? I’m constantly trying to find my groove and always looking for new methods to find inner peace. Leave a comment, I’d love to hear yours!