
My mornings almost always start with a cappuccino from my Italian espresso machine and a bowl of hearty steel-cut oatmeal. Oh yes, with blueberries and walnuts and cinnamon. MMMM. It’s more than breakfast, it’s my morning zen and necessary daily routine…

After breakfast, I usually go on a hike. Movement and nature is so calming to me. I seriously would be lost without these habits… I’m lucky have a lot of wooded land to explore, and I’m also lucky to have a family that loves to go and play with me. Nothing beats a family picnic at the end of a good hike through the woods.

Now that we have the baby, I have been wearing her in the wrap I made from scrap fabric from walmart for only $4. SCOOOOORE. Yes indeedy. I wear her when I hike, clean, paint, potty……… sigh.

Sometimes we explore parks and trails too, anywhere we can find. I don’t think we’ll ever stop hiking as a family. It’s seriously so healing, especially during this whole pandemic. If you aren’t hiking in your life already, I beggin PLEASSSE take it up!!! You wont regret it! ::praying hands:: ::sparkling eyes::