Lost and Found: A Tale of Hacked Accounts, Art Communities, and Serendipitous Moments

You may already know that I went through a pretty rough time when I got hacked. It was like a sudden whirlwind that took away my Facebook and Instagram accounts, leaving me feeling pretty well… devastated. It’s true what they say about living on borrowed territory in the online world.

Losing personal photos and videos was tough enough, but there was one memory that hit me especially hard. There was a video capturing my daughter’s very first steps, and like a buffoon, I had stored it on Facebook. I can’t help but wonder if it exists anywhere else, but I’m not sure at this point.

That’s just an example, but another big loss that hit me hard – my precious art community that I’d built back in 2020.

This group means the world to me. I had poured my heart and soul into creating a space for artists to come together and unlock their watercolor superpowers, because I understand what it’s like to crave community and guidance when the journey seems hard. But due to that stupid hacker, I even almost lost the group I had painstakingly nurtured.

Can you imagine the shock I felt when I regained access to my account and discovered that I was no longer the admin or even a member of my own group, but it was still up and running? It was a sinking feeling, to say the least. I wasn’t even sure how to join.

Now, here’s where things took a fascinating turn. As I explored the group page, I noticed that a new admin had taken over. And guess what? She actually approved my request to join! It was both perplexing and intriguing. Part of me wanted to reach out and explain that it was, in fact, my group all along. But I was worried about sounding ridiculous or raising hell, so I couldn’t muster up the courage to do anything.

In a twist of fate, just minutes after being approved, I received a message from the new admin herself. She explained that she had received a notification from Facebook stating that the group would be dissolved if no one took on the role of admin. So, out of a sense of duty and goodwill, she stepped up and became the admin until I returned… waiting for me. And then, in the kindest gesture, she graciously made me the admin once again.

EEEE :’)

Moments like these make me believe that there was something serendipitous about the whole event, as if it happened for a reason. After I lost everything, I really went through a lot of self discovery with my body of art and what I bring to the table.

It’s crazy how things unfolded, almost like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. It served as a reminder of the strength and resilience of communities too, and how sometimes, even in the face of adversity, unexpected connections and acts of kindness can bring us back to where we belong. She was just so nice about the whole thing, and I’m so thankful.

BTW, if you wanna join in, anyone is welcome! CLICK HERE to get all the goodness. I designed this group to be a pretty free environment where artists share their hearts and passions, but I also post tips, tutorials, and share inspiration. I just really want to cultivate a healthy playground for artists to thrive, connect, and grow <3