I Miss Excessive Thrifting

I miss the days of excessive thrifting. When I would go to the goodwills and salvation army and antique stores all in one day, several times a week, digging through junk to find my treasures. You know, before the pandemic when things seemed to make sense. I’d find a vintage dress, or maybe a skirt or odd houseware and either keep or sell it. It was always an adventure and the collector in me was satisfied…

Do you like vintage things? I love wearing something that comes with a story, a slice of history and a mark in time. The dress I’m wearing in these photos is probably from the late 1950’s… one of my favorite time periods. I’ve had it for years and I adore the fit even though its a bit snug in the bosom at the moment (thank you milk-filled breasts, until you are done and are left saggy and I am sad).